23rd November 2016
Nuformix is pleased to announce the grant of its NXP001 patent in Europe. Nuformix is pursuing global patent coverage for its NXP001 asset, which offers multiple options for future development. However, the European decision for NXP001 is particularly noteworthy as Nuformix’s first European patent application to be pursued to completion. Nuformix Chief Executive Officer, Dr Dan Gooding, said: “Success with the European PO for NXP001 has taken a little while longer than other geographies, but is the last major region in which Nuformix has successfully secured substance-of- matter protection for its novel cocrystal drug forms. We can take great confidence from the precedent set from this and other PO decisions in terms of Nuformix’s IP strategy and the utility of the technology to provide robust and broad protection for novel, advantageous drug forms. Again we have to acknowledge the role played by Jeff Lindeman at J. A. Lindeman LLC in supporting Nuformix throughout the process.”